Wednesday, November 30, 2011


First off, many thanks to those of you following the strip.  Everyone can help me out, too, by sharing the link on Facebook, and / or Liking it.

So... still playing Skyrim.  I have no idea how many hours I've put into it, or if I'm even close to beating it.  I don't even know, really, which missions you have to do complete the game anymore.  All I know is I'll be maxed out in ten levels, so I must be doing something right.  Or not.  But I've done some things now that seem like they are pretty monumental.  Well, you know, monumental in the sense that I accomplished these things by hitting buttons and wiggling sticks while reclining on my lazy-boy at 3 AM.
And I hope this isn't a spoiler, but I am finding it a little lame that, after taking over the Thieves' Guild, you are still treated like the new guy.  Most of the dialogue doesn't even change when interacting with your underling thieves.  What's up with that, Bethesda?  Where's the virtual respect, you know?

Things are starting to... change... at my real job.  My company is introducing a new kind of artwork to sell at a new location, and I'm thinking by the summer, when the kid starts school, I may start doing it.  I'm already picking up two miscellaneous shifts this month doing it, with my boss there to guide and / or make me feel inadequate.  It should be known I've met my boss once ever in the year and a half I've been with the company.  He's been a professional artist for at least 18 years, and when we met before I failed to produce in his presence due to nerves.  It was embarrassing.  So, yeah, anxiously awaiting this new opportunity, with anxiousness closely resembling anxiety.

But hey, this strip is the fifth, meaning it's a month old (wow, this was a long month), so that's reason to celebrate.  Non-artists / writers hate when people like me say this, but honestly, the strip creates itself.  If something every becomes of Super U., I may end up feeling like I'm somehow cheating at life.

This strip owes a lot to my Awesomeness Consultant, J. Klemm, even though I solicited him for a punchline and then didn't use anything he gave me.  In gaming, this has happened more than I care to remember, generally by him.  He's the sort of player that makes a GM cringe: the Loophole Locator, more commonly identified as the Intentional Plot Disruptor, or IPD.  Still, it's all gravy. 


Click on the image to enlarge.  Or squint.  It's up to you.


  1. **Initiating Test Comment**

    ...Is this thing on?

  2. An FYI thing, as awesome consultant. I am the loophole king, and I usually come up with decent one liners, but they flow from a conversation in progress, not used to BAM and Zing its done. My lines were...
    > I thought I was here to be a sidekick?
    > What if I'm the one who caused said disaster?
    > This isn't Gym Class! (Always have to give love to Hackers.)
    > Because half the time we're the guys who created the villains we fight, and its then our responsibility to stop them?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's been a long time since someone used "thwart" in a sentence. Great job Matt!

  5. Thanks for the support, Greg. It means a lot.
