Tuesday, April 30, 2013


So, there's a story behind this particular strip.  In high school, this exact thing was said to me and my fellow gym class students, in this exact situation, by our gym teacher who dressed exactly like this and, to make it even creepier, he looked exactly like Ric Flair.  Even now it makes me laugh from time to time, and I thought I had better make a comic out of it.  I couldn't think of a third panel for it, but then again I don't really think it needs one.

There are only 10 strips left until the end of Chapter 2.  When it's done I'm going to be You-Tubifying the whole chapter and at the same time teaching myself how to draw in Manga Studio.  I'm hoping Chapter 3 will look the best yet, and I'll be able to get my digital art even closer to my hand-drawn stuff.
I've been hearing good things about Manga Studio, and I saw an example today from the artist at Penny Arcade that he did using the program, and it looked just as good as his Photoshop stuff; I gained some reassurance that I'm not going to have to master Photoshop just to compete in the world of webcomics, after all.


  1. We all have had awkward moments in gym class. This is soo funny because of the unexpected. Keep improving Matt, your work only gets better!

  2. I just came across this little gem and man you nailed it! Who could forget that guy and his dangerously , short , shorts.

  3. Ha ha! I know, I'll always be just a little scarred from that gym class.
