Hey, welcome back! I'm pretty pleased with the way this one turned out. When the strips feature flashbacks or other "other-than-normal" settings, I like to do something a little different. This time around, another glimpse into the past of the siblings, I just drew my ass off. Of course, there's some Photoshopping involved as well, but I try to set my own personal bar a little higher with each chapter. When the story returns to the present, I'll have to force myself to ensure that the art stands up to the strips previous. Not that I'm promising every strip is going to look this good. Hell no.
Also, this is one of the first times I've been happy with the strip as a whole; I mean that all three panels, I think, look good alongside one another.
So yeah, Chapter 4!
If you're just returning, or if you're new to the comic, I'd like to take a moment to mention the merchandise. There's an actual, physical book of Chapters 1 & 2 and also shirts and stickers and stuff you can purchase from the links to the left there. I've just recently permanently slashed all of the prices. Seriously, most of the stuff is dirt-cheap now. Please consider buying some merch and supporting a very broke artist with a dream. Have some sort of merchandise in mind that you don't see? Let me know what you'd like and I can probably make it for you!
Sorry, I hate having to do that all the time. It's going to be especially tough getting some exposure for Super U. at the moment. I haven't reactivated my ad campaign. Can't afford it. That means that my potential readership has been reduced to the double digits, instead of in the hundreds. In other words, I need your help! Like what you see? Tell people on the Netface and your Twooter! Please?
And for fuck's sake, leave some comments, yeah?
Seriously though, thanks for being here, and thanks again to those who've supported me and this comic from the beginning.
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