Tuesday, April 8, 2014


One of the cool things about having gone on vacation was getting to work ahead on my roughs for the comic.  I don't generally draw the strip on paper until the day before I work on it on the computer, sometimes not even until that morning.  But I worked far enough ahead where I don't actually even remember what strip comes next, so it's kind of a fun surprise to open my sketchbook and be like, "Oh yeah, I'm doing that one today!"

Going through past strips, I realize Chance comes off as cocky, but that's not actually true.  He's just a normal guy who happens to have uncanny good luck; he tries hard (and unsucessfully) to be "cool," and, at least when it comes to women, he sets his goal at the top.
Of course, it would come as a shock to Justice to find out she was the most sought-after girl in school; she's simply too modest and naively kind to fathom that.

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